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In the planet of Draxlyôn there are 3 types of government each separated by land area. Currently, in the eastern part of the planet there is a corrupt dictatorship that is ran by Axel Klax, a former military leader that became corrupt and evil after his mother's death. In the eastern part of Draxlyôn people are suffering due to the harsh living conditions that Klax is providing for his citizens. Klax made a law that enforced his citizens to only eat 2 meals a day due to that fact that "he wanted to preserve food" even though the reality was that he did not want to admit that their food supply is running low. In the western part of Draxlyôn there is a common democracy. The president of this western region of the planet is called Zion Lennox. He is loved by the people in his region and is considering running for president the next year again. When a president is elected in this region they can serve for and 8 year period, and after those 8 years come to an end the person can run for president twice again. The minimum wage in this part of the planet is of 2.8 million exons (alot of money there). Lennox is considered the best president that western Draxlyôn has ever had. Finally, in the middle part of Draxlyôn there is a monarchy. Just a few weeks ago King Uxon and Queen Clarixxa passed away in an unfortunate mass killing in Xentral Plaza. More than 1,200 citizens were killed and more than 3,700 were injured. Now it's up for Prince Saxon and Princess Flaxia to become the new King and Queen of Central Draxlyôn. Their inauguration will be in the upcoming weeks.  

     East          Central        West

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