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The economy and trade in the planet of Draxlyôn is mostly very rich. However, in the east Draxlyôn the economy is plummeting negatively due to its current dictator, Axel Klax. Unemployment in this region of the planet is currently of 24% and increasing each day by at least 0.2%. Before the explosion of the power plant, Draxlyôn's overall economy was the best in the Xohl Star System. People's net worth each year was of 5 million exons. Unemployment was at 0.8% percent and the majority of people lived luxurious and happy lives. Before the tragic explosion, every single thing in the planet of Draxlyôn was close to perfect. Nowadays only the western and central parts of Draxlyôn have very decent economies that provide its people with money and happiness. However, the western part of Draxlyôn is the region that has the best economy. Recently Central Draxlyôn's economy has been somewhat plummeting due to their King and Queen's death, but the people are sure that when Prince Saxon and Queen Flaxia become King and Queen of Central Draxlyôn, that their economy will be back to its past rich and great state. Nowadays, the Central and Western regions of Draxlyôn collaborate in trading. The west trades water and ice to the middle and the middle trades weapons and fabric to the west. These two regions are secretly planning to take overthrow Axel Klax, so that the people in Esatern Draxlyôn can live nice and decent lives. Once the east and central parts of Draxlyôn take over eastern Draxlyôn, they will divide the area into two separate parts for the two regions to colonize and develop.


Central and West

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