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Antonio  Gonzalez  D'Orazio





My name is Antonio Gonzalez D'Orazio. I was born in Western Draxlyôn in the Haux-Dex Hospital in the year 2340 and I am currently 15 years old. At the age of 2 I began to become interested in machinery and problem solving and dreamed that one day I would become one of the best engineers the Xohl Galaxy has ever seen. My father, Juliax is currently the CEO of Taxor, the planet's best clothing industry while my mother, Venus is the best real state agent in the entire western Draxlyôn region. I currently 4 brothers (two of which are twins) and 2 sisters. My oldest brother Jaxon (33) is a spaceship engineer, my other brother Fauxi (19) is a student at Haxard University studying law, right here in the western region (this is the best university in Western Draxlyôn), the twins Marx and Karx (12) are both really clever, yet annoying kids who always prank me and my younger sisters, Xenon (9) and Xeraphina (3). Xenon is definitely my favorite sibling because her and I share a passion for engineering and mechanics that we both truly love and enjoy. Xeraphina or Xera for short, is the youngest girl in the family and she loves to eat blue carrots for some reason that we all do not really understand. Every summer season my family and I enjoy going to Polarix Beach in the Northwestern part of the region. I enjoy flying by Blaston Jetpack there as well as doing kite surf with my whole family. 


Then one day it happened, the ground began to shake, the pillars in our mansion began to crumble into little tiny white pieces and in a matter of seconds our whole house was destroyed by the force that shook the ground. I do not remember much from that horrible day, but the sound of screams of fear and shrieks of pain coming from some of my family members will always remain in my head. A few days later I woke up in the Haux-Dex Hospital surrounded by weird looking organims; they were still human, but they had mutated parts in their bodies which were rather odd. I remember one of the had a giant purple crab claw instead of his right arm. They told me that the Deganah Power Plant had blown up due to the fact that sodium mixed with water by accident causing the massive explosion. After the doctors informed me of what had happened I immediately asked for my family's health. As soon as I saw the sad and sorrowful look on the doctor's faces I knew that something was not right. They told me that my mother, one of the twins, Fauxi and Xeraphina had perished in the accident. As soon as I heard the tragic news I began to cry and whimper. They also told me that the survivors (father, Jaxon, Xenon, Marx) had mutated parts in their bodies due to the high radiation levels exposed in the atmosphere after the explosion occurred. After that I ran out of the room in search for the remaining people in my family. I saw that my now had cat eyes and an elephant's trump for a nose, Jaxon now had for tiger jaws and walked on four paws instead of two feet, Marx (one of the twins) grew the other twin's head, Karx in the back of his head (they both could speak), and Xenon now had scaled skin like that of a fish and two giant light green wings stretching out her back. I then realized that no parts of my body had been affected by this tragic explosion that apparently affected everyone in the planet except for me. I will never forget that day.


A few weeks after the explosion my family and I recovered from the injuries we had (no the mutations) and left the hospital to go live with my aunt Xava at her small house in Central Draxlyôn while our new house was built in Western Draxlyôn. After a few months of living at our Aunt's house we finally left Central Draxlyôn to go back to our new house in Western Draxlyôn. When my family and I got back home many interviewers and news reporters were standing by our door asking questions like: How does it feel to be the only citizen not physically affected by the explosion? Nowadays you are considered the "lucky boy" what are your thoughts on that? and other questions regarding me being the only person not affected by this destructive accident. I decided to ignore these questions and settle in our new home.


A few later, when I was 13 my sister Xenon and I built our first innovative piece of machinery called the TROX-Phone which had many cool features like holograms, teleporting and many more things. My model became popular throughout the entire Xohl Star System and people from other neighboring planets like Fuxyôn, Klaxyôn and Wolxyôn came to Draxlyôn to buy the new phone my sister and I had created. My family gained a lot of money and fame due to this. The TROX-Phone changed my family's life forever.


One dark night during winter when I was 15 my family and I were in our balcony and saw what appeared to be a giant spaceship fall into the ground about 500 feet away from our house. I instantly grabbed by Blaston Jetpack and flew to the accident's location in a matter of seconds. In the side of the ship I read "Infinity Knights" and I could not believe my eyes. This space army is extremely eminent in all the galaxies in the entire universe and their spaceship was barely 4 feet away from me. Then all of a sudden the door of the ship opened revealing Iara's, the captain, face. Then after her AJ, Elias, Christian, Michelle, Victoria, Emilio, Andres, Kreiver, Erica and Yaser (the whole Infinity Knights crew) stepped out of the ship. I introduced myself to them and asked what had happened to their ship. Iara told me that the ship had a failure including all of its systems (engines, portals, shields, hacking, sensors, etc.). I told them that I was really into problem solving and mechanics and that I could help fix their ship. I ran into the ship to analyze the problem and after a few hours of cutting wires and fixing engines I fixed their complete ship. Iara and the crew thanked me and asked me if I wanted to join the Infinity Knights as a chief engineer. I was in complete shock, but after I few seconds I said a happy "yes" with excitement. 


I then rushed back to my family and told them about my new job as an Infinity Knight. They were all very proud of me and said their goodbyes to me. I told them I would visit them every time we finished a mission. 


Then I rushed back to the ship with the Infinity Knights. I was officially the youngest Infinity Knight to ever be recruited. Then the ship elevated and we went in light speed to our next mission called "Contaminant."

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