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Art in the planet of Daxlyôn is very popular at the moment. The most famous artists include: Sekox, Jylox, Mowox and Kryptox. Their art has even reached other galaxies in the whole universe. Their art inspired many of the people affected by the Deganah Power Plant Explosion in a positive way because it helped them become more confident in their appearances. The most famous painting ever made in the planet is called Brux which means "hope" in the Draxlyôni "cursed language. " This painting symbolizes that the future in the planet of Draxlyôn will be bright and successful. Music in the planet of Draxlyôn is banned due to governmental reasons and if someone hears you singing they are allowed to report you the police. The only song that is permitted to be heard in the Draxlyôn planet is its national anthem that One time a former president by the name of President Kampex in the western part of Draxlyôn was caught listening to music from the neighboring Popo Star System and was penalized to death by not only hearing music, but also because he was singing along to it. The national anthem of Draxlyôn is only permitted to be heard by its people during special occasions like: weddings, parties, funerals, new years eve, christmas day, birthdays, etc. The national anthem for the planet of Draxlyôn was composed by Alfredus Moyxart and Timo Bachx in the  first years that Draxlyôn became an official planet in the Xohl Star System planet about 3,000 years ago.

Antonio Gonzalez D'Orazio - Be Strong, Be United
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