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Here, in planet Draxlyôn there used to be over 1 million insect's species and over 328,000 species of animals, but due to the power plant explosion most of these animals became extinct and no where to be found. Before the disaster, talking fish and 25 ft alligators roamed in the rivers, 1 footed cheetahs were haunted by 10 footed gazelles in the fields and miniature 2 ft giraffes ate leaves off of flower petals. In addition, white tangledixples, precious flowers that if used correctly served as medicine but if used incorrectly served as venom, were spread all accross the grasslands of Draxlyôn. These plants lead to very innovative scientific advancements, which helped develop the planet's technology in terms of medicine and health care. Back then, people were allowed to hunt animals due to their abundance in the planet. In the past people were allowed to roam around wherever they'd like whenever they pleased. However, all of this came to an end when the power plant exploded. Almost all of the beautiful animals and plants succumbed and hunting was terminated in order to conserve the environment. Nowadays, only lame animals and plants are in the surface on Draxlyôn; there are only various species of rabbits, skunks, squirrels and for the plants there are only roses, tunlips and gray sunflowers. Due to the fact that the technology in this planet is so advanced, scientists are figuring out ways to "re-make" all of the old species that became extinct in the planet with a process called cloning.

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